Vaping Still Safer Than Smoking

Despite the health problems that some vapers in the US are facing, regulated and authorized vaping products are substantially safer than smoking and burning tobacco. In 2015, Public Health England published independent research that shows E-Cigarettes to be a staggering 95% less harmful than smoking cigarettes and that vaping has the potential to help smokers become smoke-free. More recently, research conducted by a team from Queen Mary University London found that e-cigs are up to twice as effective as other nicotine replacements such as patches and gums. With over 3 million UK vapers enjoying the benefits of e-cigarettes, the UK’s vaping industry align themselves to be a healthy alternative to smoking that is largely supported by the British press. A continuing decline of UK smokers, together with an increased number of vapers shows that vaping is working in the efforts to make the UK a smoke-free nation. Will the US reconsider their hardline attack on the vaping industry or will common sense and health prevail?